Hello everybody out there!
Just want to say that I was thrilled to receive so many happy birthday-wishes, thanks! Of course everybody joins the give away. Comments given from October 8th until Sunday October 21st will take part in the drawing, which will be on Monday October 22nd. As I told you before you can win Cath Kidstons In print in dutch translation 'Dessins'.
Why giving away such a beautiful book? Well, I have got 2! Bought one myself several months ago and received the other one as a reward from the dutch home decorating magazine Ariadne. They featured my Holland trolley about two months ago.
When I go to fleemarkets I always take my trolley with me. I know there are people who insist on never using such a cart with wheels, well if you want to go early to a flee market and really want to buy some bargains, you just need a cart like this. Period. Simple. But they are a bit granny-like and do not quite match with my self-image. So I had to revamp my trolley. I decided to go dutch,
using Delft tile fabric and lots of china 'wooden' shoes. When I was finished I was very happy with my LiLi-like cart. I'm not a very modest person, so I can say freely that this cart is in general quite a succes. People in the street, in the train or on a terrace are asking me about the cart; did you make this yourself, do you sell them etc.? Yes, I have told my husband that its a kind of 'babe'-magnet, even younger male persons inform about this trolley. So you don't need that little dog anymore to contact attractive persons of the opposite sex, mmmm I'm getting a little bit off topic now.
The other day I met S., who was interested in the trolley as well, perhaps I could customize a rollator for her Mother, who refused to use one. So on a Friday morning I visited S. and her mother Jenny. Well, Jenny was quite clear. Nope, she wouldn't use a rollator. Rollators are stupid. You can watch for yourself. Walking behind a rollator makes your bottom stick outside, your arms go too wide and even your face gets a widened look. Jenny demonstrated a woman behind a rollator to us. She convinced me immediately. Jenny definitely was a no-rollator person. But how to do your shopping the easy way? Jenny figured out for herself that a buggy (the one you could use to transport a toddler) was far more better than a rollator. The disadvantage of being told:'you've lost your baby, ma'am', didn't seem to hurt her very much. Nor nicknames that were given to her. I have to tell you that I like that attitude.
So we decided that I would make a bag to fit in the buggy and this is the result:
The burberry-look Jenny-cart.
And now for some details:
I have adjusted this flap filled with marbles to the bigger flap, so it will stay open or closed, just like you want it to be. The wind will not be able to blow the flap away. The 'have a good day' tag comes from an Arrow shirt, that once belonged to my husband. I like that, things that say have a good day to you. I hope Jenny does too.
On the flaps there are kiltpins with golden coins and pearls, just as lady-like as Jenny.
Of course you cannot warm your hands in your pockets while you are walking with the Jenny-o-bile. So a pair of matching gloves is included.
The Jenny-mobile has a secret compartment. Of course it's better not to put your wallet in this cart. But when you have to, use the secret compartment, which I will not reveil here. It's better to use the little purse that is peeking just behind the gloves, on the picture. You can put the little purse on your neck, put your valuables in there and put it under your coat/clothes.
This weekend is Jenny's 81st birthday and the Jenny-cart will be given to her by her daughter. It was fun to work on and I'm very curious what Jenny will think about it.
When we met Jenny and I had a click immediately. Is it because we are both Libra? Or did we met somewhere before?
Age is only a number, concerning to me. Being young isn't about looks, it's about state of mind.
Of course sometimes your body dictates you things you don't like, but which fit with your age. Like using something to lean on, when you go shopping. But in our minds we are young or old people, regardless of age. The dutch historian Annie Romein once said: there are old old cows and young old cows. (translation by me).
I guess I should end to say that Jenny is an old young cow, but off course I won't do that, it would be quite impolite!
No, I just say happy birthday Jenny and many happy returns! Hope you will enjoy your Jenny-cart.
Stay young everybody!
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