Hi all!!!
Hope you are all doing fine. I have suffered some kind of flu or a pneunomia or something else that makes you feverish and cough a lot. And of course these kind of diseases don't know any boundaries; so I was ill in Germany as well. But it was nice to be in a different environment for a couple of days, just with my family. We stayed in a little town called Kröv, in the middle of a couple of million vineyards. Here the Germans make their famous Moselwine, like Piesporter. We didn't do as much as I wanted to do before, but we had a great time anyway. I took with me to Germany a banana box filled with magazines. And I have read them all and started a new inspiration book as well. I'll show you some of that in the future.
Coming home I noticed that I had been tagged by three people, and I was already tagged by 3 other people. So I will do my best and fill up this post with tags. Yep let's talk about me!! I'll start with the 4 tag, which is easy. Marloes and Isabelle after her have tagged me with this one:
For those of you who don't like to read a lot, there are some pictures of my little shops in between. I collect old play shops and I like to fill them with old dutch miniature boxes, bottles and tins.
4 jobs I have had:
1. When I was a teenager I had this funny job: I worked at an Austrian Bowling Center, where I had to point the number of fallen bowls at a clock and throw the ball back in a gutter.
2. I worked at a car leasing company Hertz Leasing. At that time I didn't even have a drivers' licence and no interest in cars whatsoever.
3. I have been a bank employee, working for an agency, so I worked in another office every 6 weeks. Once I worked at the bank office at the Space center 'Estec' in Noordwijk. This was of course before there were pin machines at every corner of the street.
4. My last job was to assist members of the dutch Labour Party in Parliament. I tried to help the representatives writing their speeches, do some research and point out their way into the jungle of rules of the political 'game'.
4 movies I like:
Four??? Mmmm...should be 40 at least, well let's try.
1. Moonstruck
2. The big Lebowski
3. Brutti Sporchi e cattivi
4. 4 weddings and a funeral
5. Clockwise
6. A fish called Wanda
7. Being John Malkovitch
8. Moulin Rouge
9. Love Actually
10. Die Blechtrommel
And yes I have seriously limited myself.
4. Places where I have been:
What is the meaning of this question? To sum up some exotic places?? Or places not every one has visited? Or places I loved to visit? Mmmmmm
1 + 2 I have been to communistic Prague and the former German Democratic Republic when the iron curtain was still firmly closed. The GDR doesn't exist anymore. Prague is nowadays one of the most touristic places in Europe.
3. I have been to Istanbul in Turkey, both the European as well as the Asiatic part.
4. Do I have to mention Paris, London, Amsterdam, Rome, Firenze, Copenhagen, Brussels, Barcelona, Berlin and so on? I've have never been to the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica but I know that's not the question right now.
4 places where I have lived.
I lived all my life here in the Netherlands;
was born in Rotterdam
grew up in the Hague (den Haag, where our government resides)
studied at Leydens university and lived there for 12 years and then moved on to
Dordrecht, a city founded in the 12th century.
4 places I would rather be:
There is no place like home.
But when we have to go anywhere it better is a cheap flea market, with great finds and enough space in the car to take everything with me.
Shopping in New York for about two weeks with that no limit platinum credit card in my purse wouldn't be too bad either.
4 tv programs I like to watch.
Since march 2007 I am sitting most of the time behind my computer...I seldom watch tv. I used to watch Home make over shows. And I like to watch the first time of...a new programme like Big Brother, Idols just everything that is new, to create your own opinion. I guess there is not much news under the sun anymore.
4 radio shows
I hate radio shows. When I listen to the radio I want to hear music. When somebody talks especially during those stupid games, like which noise do we hear, I immediately switch over to another radiostation.
4 favorite food
1. Chocolate
2. French fries, I actually mean fresh cut flemish fries with mayonaise.
3. Fresh pasta with my home made pesto, accompanied by an Italian salad and Italian spiced steak.
4. Actually I like everything I cook myself. From Indonesian to Indian, from homemade soup to apple pie. I simply like my own cooking. Lucky me!
and now the 7 weird or random facts. Well who wants to know random facts??? All hands up for random facts!! Hahaha, I just knew it!! By the way Anja of my new classic home and Deirdra Doan tagged me.
1. I once wore double lenses.
I always loose things, cannot remember where I have put them. After wearing lenses for more than 30 years I still have one box where I keep them. I buy new boxes once in a while but they all magically disappear. Well this time we were going on vacation and I searched for a spare box to put in my lenses to pack before. I would leave my regular box at home. Just put on the lenses in the morning and don't have to think about packing the liquid or the box. I miraculously found one. The next morning I discovered that I left the liquid to put your lenses on your eyes at home. What a bummer. I could do that job with water too, less comfortable but it was my own fault. So I put my lenses in with water. I did see a bit blurry, but ok water is not the right cleaning solution for lenses. All day my lenses didn't fit nicely. When I took them off before I went to bed I took a closer look. I managed to take with me an old lenses box filled with old lenses. I just put my newer ones on top and then put them in my eyes as if it was one lens.
I guess you can say that my eyes are not too sensitive anymore after wearing lenses for 30 years.
2. I do have a mobile phone but I never have it
a. with me.
b. and its battery uploaded.
I have this phone to be able to call people myself. I don't want to be called by my children when I'm at a flea market.
3. When I was a student I had this job to help the elderly so they could stay in their own home. Once I helped a woman who took my horoscope. Libra Venus and Mars in da house. Yes, you are going to deal with an awful lot of money. I see huge piles of money with you.
Mmmm, that didn't sound too bad.
Now for the best part. She was right!!! After a few years I worked as a bank employee, a cashier. Throwing with packages of money (5000 euro/dollars were the smallest packages) to my collegeas. Haha, I just imagined those piles of money in my purse, not close to it.
4. I have a slightly different sense of priorities than other people:
When I'm off for Germany for a week, I think it is more important to write a post in my blog than to pack first. When I was expecting my second I was determined to plant a lot of violets on the balcony before cleaning the house properly. It's so important to be surrounded by beautiful flowers when lying in labour. Who cares about a cloud of dust more or less? And those flowers grow, become more beautiful everyday. Vacuum cleaning never stops.
5. I still have not decided yet what I want to be when I grow up.
6. I was born afraid of animals. My brother and I as babies were even afraid of this little bear. Oh it's so good to have another weird person who has the same odd thing in your vicinity. My mother thought it was a good idea to tuck in this little bear with the little baby. It was pink then not this brownish color and it had it's original face, which I cannot remember (let Freud speak) anymore. We pushed the little bear away, looking carefully to the other side. I was afraid of living animals too. Well afraid, terrified is the better word. I guess when I should have been God the dog shouldn't been invented, but with all those doglovers on this planet I never tell anyone. I have outgrown my fear for animals.
7. I have read somewhere that the average woman thinks she is fatter than she actually is. I'm not sure but I think I suffer from the opposite. I always think: it isn't that bad!!! It's some kind of the opposite of anorexia. I see myself thinner than I actually am.
And I'm very happy with that! And of course you knew it already; no cell phone and no scales too!! I always think that a lot of women are too skinny. And too wrinkly too! When a girl gets my age it is important to keep those areas around the eyes filled, it's a natural kind of botox. You know that.
Now for the last tag part;
I was tagged by Michelle of Cowboys and Custard and by Sue of Vintage to Victorian with the archive meme tag. I will give you 5 links to former posts which are special to me and meet the regulations. Well I'm a blogger since September 2007 and I haven't made 30 posts already. I try to write at least once a week. And I don't make posts with one picture of let's say a bunch of flowers and one sentence like: spring at my place. That just is not my cup of tea. I always spend (too) much time to create a post. And then postpone the next one. And so on!!
So I really don't have an archive but I'll tell you which of my posts I like best. You can read them (again) and don't forget to leave comment (again!).
1. the first post should be about family. Well that's easy its: Having a party with my cousin
That was such a fun weekend. I love to write about self made stuff and about vintage finds.
2. The second one about friends: Counting down about my friend Mrs. H. and about her vintage finds, which were presents to my birthday.
3. About myself; Must be my hair dye adventure. Having a bad hair week
As you can see my daughter is already experimenting with hair colors too!
4. something I love: its about our environment. We all should take much better care of the environment. This was a blog action day post.
At first I was going to refer to my husband, but he really is not some THING I love. By the way do you know this doll Dilbert? My husband was having him as a mascot on his desk when somebody asked him: Hey, Where do they make these dolls that look exactly like yourself?? ( no joke LOL).
5. Other special posts are Girls on wheels
and the tutorial about making Victorian Cards.
I should have given you another tutorial about the 'waving hand' card. But this has to wait again. The winner of the self made Victorian Cards (the February giveaway) is Linnea Maria!!! Congratulations! Ehem you only have to wait a little, because I have to make new ones. I have all sent them away. But don't be afraid; I will make it up to you!
Thanks for your patience reading about me. I know that I have to tag other people again, maybe next time, I'm still a bit ill. Have an inspiring week! Love LiLi.
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