Today August 1st is 'Show me your form' day, hosted by Tiffany. Thanks for the brilliant idea! Don't forget to check out Shabby Scraps to look for the list of other dress forms shown.
I always wanted to have a dress form. Even when I played with Barbie I tried to make a dress form out of a Barbie body, but I couldn't cut through those 60-ties' quality legs. Little did I know that within 10 years most Barbies would easily loose their legs, but that's a different story.
My mother had a friend named Loes who was always thrifting and going to flea markets. She owned the perfect dress form, according to my mother. My mum died unexpected about 12 years ago. And shortly after her her friend Loes died of breast cancer. My father knew that my mother thought that Loes' dressform would be perfect for me and when he heard that Loes' heirs were selling all of her collectibles, he didn't hesitate a moment and brought me this present:

This is an antique childrens size dress form in very good condition.
The linen is perfect and the wood too.
The best is the foot, or do I have to say feet?:

Every foot is a little carved out shoe!
I have never seen anything like that.
I am still so happy with this present. My father has passed away too, but when he brought in this dress form, he was so proud and I was so happy and this is such a good memory.

I usually show this form dressed;
she wears a little dress, a hat and a little bag, that belonged to my daughter when she was 4, the little gloves were mine in the 60ties.
I have another dress form.
It is a cheap one that still can be bought today.
I covered her in an old look linen.
If you want to know how just click here.

I use her as an inspirational pin board in my studio.
Before you go I want to ask you a little favor:
My blogging friend 'Vosgesparis' aka Desiree had a severe operation today and has to recover another 10 days in hospital. Please light a candle for her, send her positive vibes or remember her in your prayers, just do as you feel like, we all hope that those positive vibes will help Dees to recover real soon. In the mean time you can wish her well giving comments on her beautiful blog. Email me if you want her address (in hospital). Thanks.
Take care Dees, I'm sending you this card:

Don't forget to check all other dress forms. There will be a list at Tiffany's.
Thanks for visiting, have a nice weekend, hugs LiLi.
Hallo allemaal!
Vandaag is het 'Show me your form' ofwel paspoppendag! Tiffany
heeft een lijst in haar blog met andere deelnemers. Ik ben nog steeds heel blij met mijn antieke kinder paspop die ik bijna 12 jaar geleden van mijn vader kreeg. Eigenlijk als een herinnering aan mijn moeder en ook aan haar vriendin Loes die allebei kort na elkaar overleden zijn, in 1996.
De paspop is in een heel goede conditie, het hout is mooi en het linnen is ook nog gaaf en mooi. Maar het leukst is wel de voet of moet ik zeggen de voetjes?
Dat zijn namelijk uitgesneden schoentjes.
Ik heb ook nog een nieuwe en zelfgepimpte paspop. Handig als prikbord.
Misschien hebben jullie al gehoord dat Dees (Vosgesparis) een ernstige operatie onder gaan heeft. Misschien is een extra commentaar op haar blog leuk, een kaarsje of een kaartje, net hoe je dat gewoon bent. Je kunt mij een email sturen voor haar adres in het ziekenhuis waar ze nog ongeveer 10 dagen zal moeten blijven. Vanaf hier sterkte Dees, het kaartje met de antieke foto is naar je onderweg!
Fijn weekend en of fijne vakantie allemaal, tot snel LiLi
I always wanted to have a dress form. Even when I played with Barbie I tried to make a dress form out of a Barbie body, but I couldn't cut through those 60-ties' quality legs. Little did I know that within 10 years most Barbies would easily loose their legs, but that's a different story.
My mother had a friend named Loes who was always thrifting and going to flea markets. She owned the perfect dress form, according to my mother. My mum died unexpected about 12 years ago. And shortly after her her friend Loes died of breast cancer. My father knew that my mother thought that Loes' dressform would be perfect for me and when he heard that Loes' heirs were selling all of her collectibles, he didn't hesitate a moment and brought me this present:
This is an antique childrens size dress form in very good condition.
The linen is perfect and the wood too.
The best is the foot, or do I have to say feet?:
Every foot is a little carved out shoe!
I have never seen anything like that.
I am still so happy with this present. My father has passed away too, but when he brought in this dress form, he was so proud and I was so happy and this is such a good memory.
I usually show this form dressed;
she wears a little dress, a hat and a little bag, that belonged to my daughter when she was 4, the little gloves were mine in the 60ties.
I have another dress form.
It is a cheap one that still can be bought today.
I covered her in an old look linen.
If you want to know how just click here.
I use her as an inspirational pin board in my studio.
Before you go I want to ask you a little favor:
My blogging friend 'Vosgesparis' aka Desiree had a severe operation today and has to recover another 10 days in hospital. Please light a candle for her, send her positive vibes or remember her in your prayers, just do as you feel like, we all hope that those positive vibes will help Dees to recover real soon. In the mean time you can wish her well giving comments on her beautiful blog. Email me if you want her address (in hospital). Thanks.
Take care Dees, I'm sending you this card:
Don't forget to check all other dress forms. There will be a list at Tiffany's.
Thanks for visiting, have a nice weekend, hugs LiLi.
Hallo allemaal!
Vandaag is het 'Show me your form' ofwel paspoppendag! Tiffany
heeft een lijst in haar blog met andere deelnemers. Ik ben nog steeds heel blij met mijn antieke kinder paspop die ik bijna 12 jaar geleden van mijn vader kreeg. Eigenlijk als een herinnering aan mijn moeder en ook aan haar vriendin Loes die allebei kort na elkaar overleden zijn, in 1996.
De paspop is in een heel goede conditie, het hout is mooi en het linnen is ook nog gaaf en mooi. Maar het leukst is wel de voet of moet ik zeggen de voetjes?
Dat zijn namelijk uitgesneden schoentjes.
Ik heb ook nog een nieuwe en zelfgepimpte paspop. Handig als prikbord.
Misschien hebben jullie al gehoord dat Dees (Vosgesparis) een ernstige operatie onder gaan heeft. Misschien is een extra commentaar op haar blog leuk, een kaarsje of een kaartje, net hoe je dat gewoon bent. Je kunt mij een email sturen voor haar adres in het ziekenhuis waar ze nog ongeveer 10 dagen zal moeten blijven. Vanaf hier sterkte Dees, het kaartje met de antieke foto is naar je onderweg!
Fijn weekend en of fijne vakantie allemaal, tot snel LiLi
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