We are happy and healthy, that's one reason to be cheerful and
de tuin
we are having a wonderful spring! The garden is amazing. Remember when I showed you our Euphorbia and wasn't sure whether I should have cut it before or not?
we are having a wonderful spring! The garden is amazing. Remember when I showed you our Euphorbia and wasn't sure whether I should have cut it before or not?
Well, here it is now! I am never going to cut it, I think!
One of my bff's Mrs. H. suggested that I would take a few inside, which was a very clever idea, but at this moment I have these inside already:
The first peonies of the season (combined with roses and viburnum) for me, a generous gift by my sister in law Angelique, thank you. One of my other sisters in law gave me a bouquet of beautiful Lilies and they smell so good, thanks to you too Els!
Back to the garden: here is our new Camellia that we bought last summer. Yes, she likes it up here!
There are more reasons to be cheerful:
Look what I have found in my mailbox:
give away van Natalea Kandefer
This is what Natalea Kandefer from Kandeland has sent me. She asked her foreign readers to speak up. Now you all know how I hate to give comments lol, but she had a give away amongst the foreign commenters, so that made me comment anyway. And I won! Look at all these goodies, from vintage wallpaper to millenery. Terrific, inspiring, thanks a lot Natalea!
The outside thrifting season has started, but unfortunately I didn't have time to go anywhere. But there was a reason to be cheerful; the lovely Mrs. H., who doesn't care about thrifting seasons, came around and brought me this:
Cadeautjes van Mrs. H.
a lot of embroidery patterns from the 1930ties in French.
And a lot of lovely goodies; clockwise from lower left:
a tin counter add, vintage ribbons still around their French original spool, a needle book and two push button cards, I have a collection of them, but these are the best from now. (as I understand now, push buttons is not the word for those little round chaps that can be pushed together to make a closure, they are called snaps, thank you Barbara!) In the middle a tiny box with Hansel and Gretel. Just click on the photos to see more details. Who doesn't want to be friends with Mrs. H.?
We went thrifting in the local good will store here and I found this prized at 2,50 (3,25 usd)
tent skelet aka wasrek met Lene Bjerre stoffen
The ultimate toy my grandmother used to have, a tent skeleton aka a dry rack. Boy, I think that my brother and I have made 10 million tents with this, staying at my grandmother. I have part of my collection of Lene Bjerre fabrics on the rack. Last year there was a vendor at the market who sold these fabrics for 1,75 euro (2,26 usd) a meter/yard. I couldn't resist him for weeks..., so now I can show them of on this rack. I don't sew anything else but pin cushions, so this stock will last a while.
Tuin van Villa Augustus waar je oa lekker koffie kunt drinken
After that we went for coffee and home made chocolate pie over here in Villa Augustus, a lovely spot I will blog about later.
And now you think you know all my reasons to be cheerful, but you don't:
I am a blessed person, not only do I have a few very nice bff's in real life, I happen to have a lot of really nice blogging friends too, consider yourself one of them. They spoil me too often too.
Elyse in her Cottage has made her own award and she gave it to me, I feel honored, thank you so much Elyse.

I received this special award from my dear brocante friend Manuela (Manuela & Co.)

I am very pleased with both awards, but I won't pass the Renee award on. The last time I did I had two sleepless nights as I felt sorry and guilty that I hadn't given them to person x and person y as well, to be short I cannot choose between you all, you are all so special!
Thanks for visiting me,
xoxo LiLi M.
Ik geniet met volle teugen van de mooie lente.
Het is prachtig in de tuin, onze nieuwe Camelia en de wolfsmelk die ik al eerder liet zien doen het geweldig. Binnen heb ik al mijn eerste pioenrozen van dit jaar. Bij Kandeland, de blog van Natalea Kandefer won ik een leuke prijs, allerlei spulletjes die ik wel heel goed kan gebruiken. En mijn vriendin Mrs. H. kwam langs met wat rommelmarkt vondsten speciaal voor mij. Helemaal geweldig al die franse borduurpatronen en die drukknopen en die andere leuke spulletjes. Met zijn tweeën gingen we hier naar de kringloop waar ik voor 2,50 deze ultieme tentenmaker aka wasrek vond. Mijn broer en ik hebben met dit handige speelgoed wel 10.000 tenten gemaakt terwijl we bij mijn oma logeerden. Nu heb ik er een deel van mijn Lene Bjerre stof op. Vorig jaar stond er iemand op de markt die deze stof voor 1,75 per meter verkocht en ik kon hem nooit weerstaan. Terwijl ik alleen maar speldenkussens en lampekapjes maak! Na de kringloop nog even naar Villa Augustus voor een kop koffie en een stukje zelf gemaakte chocolade taart. Alsof dat nog niet genoeg was heb ik nog 2 awards gekregen. Van Elyse kreeg ik haar zelf bedachte award en van mijn speciale brocante vriendin Manuela de zeer speciale Renée award. Ik geef die laatste niet door omdat ik de vorige keer dat ik dat deed 2 slapeloze nachten had, omdat ik vond dat veel meer mensen die awards verdienen. Jullie zijn allemaal zo speciaal voor mij.
Bedankt weer voor je bezoek, groetjes LiLi M.
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