We had such lovely weather that I think almost every Dutch blogger posts less than usual, at least I do! There was a Pentecost vacation that came as a surprise to me, who invents these vacations? One kid had to go to school, the other didn't, so it wasn't all partying. Though it is almost the end of the school year with a lot of last this or last that, sporting competition, singing competition and so on, so it is hard to focus on the things that still have to be done.
Vanwege het mooie weer wordt er, denk ik, door iedereen hier in ons kikkerlandje veel minder geblogd..ook door mij.
Dit mooie kunstwerkje gemaakt door de zweedse Jeanette is genaamd 'Focus'.
Dat woord had ik blijkbaar uitgekozen als mijn woord voor 2009.
Mmm ik was zelfs vergeten dat ik zo'n woord uitgekozen had...lol!
This piece of art 'Focus' was made by my blogfriend Jeanette.
Jeanette is one of my favorite bloggers because she has a great sense of humor and she is a very wise woman too. Beginning 2009 there were a lot of bloggers who chose a word fitting for 2009. Jeanette asked us what word we should choose and apparantly I chose 'Focus', as I get easily distracted, in fact so easy that I even forgot that my word for 2009 is 'Focus' lol!
But now I have a beautiful piece of art in my study ( I had to take a photo outside because it was getting late and I forgot to take photos, yes I have to focus!) that keeps me focussed.
Thanks so much Jeanette!

Ik bezocht mijn eerste car boot sale in Hoek van Holland...
Last Sunday I visited my first car boot sale here in Hoek van Holland.
Now I hear that there are a lot of car boot sales in the Netherlands already, I guess I have been sleeping under a rock, I'll stay focussed on this one.
The weather couldn't be better...over 300 participants and 10.000 babyclothes, millions of rejected toys and other uninteresting stuff...

But there were some nice boots too, admission was free, so one couldn't complain. I'm a real bargain hunter. I really don't need anything, so it is sports to get one or two euro finds. And this is my haul:

Dit waren mijn koopjes! Je kunt de foto aanklikken om te vergroten of even verder kijken...
You can click on the photo to see more details.

Nog een doosje voor 'kinekes kak' zoals mijn Belgische familie dat noemt ofwel doopsuikers. Ik heb het verhaal al vaker verteld; toen mijn oom in 1929 geboren werd en tante Laurence haar kleine neefje Jan aan zijn zusjes liet zien vielen er allemaal pralinekes uit zijn luier; kinekes kak dus en daar hadden ze geen mooie doosjes voor nodig (en evenmin geld voor).
Or you can look here ^
The small box is a box for Baptism candies, probably from Belgium.
I think that I told you before that my Belgium relatives call those candies babies' poops, in Flemish 'kinekes kak'. When my uncle was born in 1929, my grandmothers' sister Laurence showed him to his sisters, my mother (almost 3) and my aunt. And oooops out of the napkin fell some candies; the first baby poops were chocolates! This amazing happening was my mothers' first memory! Of course my grandmother didn't need such a box, they probably didn't have the money for it either.

Ik zag thuis pas dat het doosje met de zilveren cijfers incompleet is, ach ja, focussen hè..
Ik dacht dat die cijfertjes bedoeld waren om aan je glas te hangen om niet in de war te raken op een receptie.
Heeft iemand een betere uitleg?
Some vintage baubles and some silver numbers. You can put them on your glass at a reception to remember which glass is yours. I didn't notice at the market that they are not complete. I'm missing the 4... well it is hard to stay focused on that kind of details when you are having fun at the car boot sale.

En een leesplankje, geen houten maar een geperste zo eentje had mijn bff ook, dus vintage...lol!
And this vintage, my bff used to have one exactly like this, 'leesplankje' or reading board.
This is a method that teaches reading. You need a small box with alphabet letters too (already in my possession) Now you have to put the correct letters on the word; a a p on aap = monkey, etc. Why they use so many names in stead of the correct words I don't know. Was this also a teaching method in your language?

Kreeg ik ook nog deze reward van Victoria die net haar blog Florence and Mary gerevamped heeft.
I got this award from Victoria who has revamped her lovely blog recently, go check Florence and Mary! I always am in doubt what to do next, but Victoria made a nice suggestion. As I like all of my commenters just as much I give this award to the first 7 commenters of my last post. If you feel offended and think that you should deserve this award too...you are right...just grab it... the blog police isn't watching anyway!
The first 7 commenters are:
Ik geef de award verder aan de eerste 7 commenters van de vorige post, maar iedereen die mijn blog bezoekt (waarvan ik het weet) verdient hem dus als je denkt; waarom ik niet? Gewoon pakken die award...maar de eerste 7 zijn:
Marianne @ Songbird's nesting
Lia @ I found my home
Wil @ Casa Nostra
Marina @ Only cute things
Beth @ Gathering Dust
Gabriela @ Gabriela Delworth
Constance @ Rochambeau
(and of course the rest of you who wants to take this...)
I spent a lot of time sitting and dreaming in the garden, but I didn't take photos and I didn't visit you! Time to start focussing...maybe next time...just wait and see. Oh and I definitely will pay more attention to your blogs too, I will visit each and everyone of you asap. Cu!
Thanks for visiting, xoxo LiLi
Jeanette is one of my favorite bloggers because she has a great sense of humor and she is a very wise woman too. Beginning 2009 there were a lot of bloggers who chose a word fitting for 2009. Jeanette asked us what word we should choose and apparantly I chose 'Focus', as I get easily distracted, in fact so easy that I even forgot that my word for 2009 is 'Focus' lol!
But now I have a beautiful piece of art in my study ( I had to take a photo outside because it was getting late and I forgot to take photos, yes I have to focus!) that keeps me focussed.
Thanks so much Jeanette!
Ik bezocht mijn eerste car boot sale in Hoek van Holland...
Last Sunday I visited my first car boot sale here in Hoek van Holland.
Now I hear that there are a lot of car boot sales in the Netherlands already, I guess I have been sleeping under a rock, I'll stay focussed on this one.
The weather couldn't be better...over 300 participants and 10.000 babyclothes, millions of rejected toys and other uninteresting stuff...
But there were some nice boots too, admission was free, so one couldn't complain. I'm a real bargain hunter. I really don't need anything, so it is sports to get one or two euro finds. And this is my haul:
Dit waren mijn koopjes! Je kunt de foto aanklikken om te vergroten of even verder kijken...
You can click on the photo to see more details.
Nog een doosje voor 'kinekes kak' zoals mijn Belgische familie dat noemt ofwel doopsuikers. Ik heb het verhaal al vaker verteld; toen mijn oom in 1929 geboren werd en tante Laurence haar kleine neefje Jan aan zijn zusjes liet zien vielen er allemaal pralinekes uit zijn luier; kinekes kak dus en daar hadden ze geen mooie doosjes voor nodig (en evenmin geld voor).
Or you can look here ^
The small box is a box for Baptism candies, probably from Belgium.
I think that I told you before that my Belgium relatives call those candies babies' poops, in Flemish 'kinekes kak'. When my uncle was born in 1929, my grandmothers' sister Laurence showed him to his sisters, my mother (almost 3) and my aunt. And oooops out of the napkin fell some candies; the first baby poops were chocolates! This amazing happening was my mothers' first memory! Of course my grandmother didn't need such a box, they probably didn't have the money for it either.
Ik zag thuis pas dat het doosje met de zilveren cijfers incompleet is, ach ja, focussen hè..
Ik dacht dat die cijfertjes bedoeld waren om aan je glas te hangen om niet in de war te raken op een receptie.
Heeft iemand een betere uitleg?
Some vintage baubles and some silver numbers. You can put them on your glass at a reception to remember which glass is yours. I didn't notice at the market that they are not complete. I'm missing the 4... well it is hard to stay focused on that kind of details when you are having fun at the car boot sale.
En een leesplankje, geen houten maar een geperste zo eentje had mijn bff ook, dus vintage...lol!
And this vintage, my bff used to have one exactly like this, 'leesplankje' or reading board.
This is a method that teaches reading. You need a small box with alphabet letters too (already in my possession) Now you have to put the correct letters on the word; a a p on aap = monkey, etc. Why they use so many names in stead of the correct words I don't know. Was this also a teaching method in your language?

Kreeg ik ook nog deze reward van Victoria die net haar blog Florence and Mary gerevamped heeft.
I got this award from Victoria who has revamped her lovely blog recently, go check Florence and Mary! I always am in doubt what to do next, but Victoria made a nice suggestion. As I like all of my commenters just as much I give this award to the first 7 commenters of my last post. If you feel offended and think that you should deserve this award too...you are right...just grab it... the blog police isn't watching anyway!
The first 7 commenters are:
Ik geef de award verder aan de eerste 7 commenters van de vorige post, maar iedereen die mijn blog bezoekt (waarvan ik het weet) verdient hem dus als je denkt; waarom ik niet? Gewoon pakken die award...maar de eerste 7 zijn:
Marianne @ Songbird's nesting
Lia @ I found my home
Wil @ Casa Nostra
Marina @ Only cute things
Beth @ Gathering Dust
Gabriela @ Gabriela Delworth
Constance @ Rochambeau
(and of course the rest of you who wants to take this...)
I spent a lot of time sitting and dreaming in the garden, but I didn't take photos and I didn't visit you! Time to start focussing...maybe next time...just wait and see. Oh and I definitely will pay more attention to your blogs too, I will visit each and everyone of you asap. Cu!
Thanks for visiting, xoxo LiLi
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