Hello again!!
What an excitement, I've been blogging all day long. First I was waiting for some reactions and waiting and waiting and checking and changing and waiting again. Just like when you have no job and you are sitting next to the phone, waiting for the job agency to ring...yes it rings!! And its your mother; 'just inquiring'...'In this case I was receiving mail from people telling me they wanted to react but a) did not know how b) were not succeeding. Mmm. Finally I decided to react myself. Yes! 1 reaction!! Again the phone...reablogging wasn't going to happen. How is that possible? It workes fine with me.
Ok folks: there's a small line (x) comments, that's the button, push that and you can leave whatever you have to say.
It works, if not, there is something wrong with your computer.
Now that you know that I'm the kind of person that gives a reaction to her own blog, (I used my own name LiLi M. if that makes you more comfortable) I might reveil one other secret too. I'm celebrating my 46th birthday in about 10 days and I'm going to make my own banners. I have already practised (see the pictures above). Today I searched for pictures first and then I started to write. In blogland you can see a lot of paper banners, all made by crafty women. I'll give some links someday, but I have to inquire first whether I just can put down links, or do I have to ask permission to the blogowner first. I think the last is the best, but that will take time.
Ok, about banners. When you're checking all kind of crafty blogs you will be inspired first, but after a short while you will notice there is a global fashion in designing (yes in designing banners too). Hot at this moment: Music paper, old fashioned pictures often with découpage (take a picture of your great grand mother as a child and glue a funny hat/crown on her head and glue some wings on her back too), pictures of birds, french pages and the list can be continued, but not here. After seeing hundreds of banners, I was in a banner-designing block. Everything I imagined to design was already there. I just took some paper and started to glue down. I haven't seen the russian paper before (perhaps its still illegal to import in the USA? hahaha). I decided to stop checking other blogs for a while, so if there is a russian banner, I have missed it anyhow.
You've already noticed that the labels are slightly (ahem) different in size. In the official LiLi M.'s birthday banner they will all be the same, which is very difficult to me. I'm the kind of person who uses a scissor by hand, using no patterns, just cutting and glueing and not knowing where this all will end. I'm an organic crafter.
Have an inspiring day, LiLi M.
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