As I told you its my birthday in about 10 days. This week mrs. H., a close friend of mine, visited me and while she is not sure she can make it on my birthday, she took with her this basket full of lovely surprises.
Yes!! I love friends like mrs. H! We met in my Barbie collecting period. She was sellling and I was buying (of course). This year we will be celebrating our tenth anniversary being friends. Mentioning her in my blog will be a surprise, but I'm not sure she likes it or not. Just testing mrs. H.
Mrs. H. is always on the go and is famous for her good eye ahem nose for rare and amazing finds.
Let's take a closer look
((Yes I did it. I've managed to put a picture in the middle!! )))
Mrs. H. knows that I don't collect baseball cards, cars and militaria hahaha.
But her presents do fit in with my white enamelware collection, my 'stuff-with-violets on it'-collection, my collection of rhinestone and cut glass-brooches, my tailor's requisites collection and of course the collection of white on white embroidered linen. By the way, I was always thinking that those french women were embroidering those fat characters/initials themselves, but I now have the evidence there was this possibity of just sewing them on your pillow-case. Mmmmm I could have been french too.
Did you see those sheets? awesome!!!
There was an auction in town today and I made an absentee bid for an antique wooden brocante drying frame. Keep my fingers crossed that I will have it. This drying frame is exactly what I need right now. It would be perfect to hang these sheets somewhere in the bedroom ah...why was my bid that low? I never saw such a beautiful drying frame before and its getting better and better in my mind...That's the funny part with auctions including ebay, somehow you're always feeling sorry. Either your bid was too high, and now you are the proud owner of some paintless and shabby drying frame, or it was just one euro too low and now somebody else, probably a dealer who easily sells this frame for ten times the winning bid, is the owner of that drying frame that shows up in auction every ten years...
You will be hearing from me again...bonne nuit, LiLi M.
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