Weten jullie nog wie ik ben? Ik ben Violet en woon nu ongeveer een jaartje hier. Daarvoor woonde ik een korte tijd bij Marja van Rosabear, die mij, het moet maar gezegd, gemaakt heeft. Ik heb het naar mijn zin hier, het is wel eens stoffig en ik mag niet teveel tegen LiLi praten als ze achter haar pc zit, maar verder is het ok.
Bonjour mes copines from all over the world!
Remember me? My name is Violet and I joined LiLi's household about a year ago. Before that I lived a short time with my creator Rosabear's Marja.
It's nice here, sometimes a little dusty...I can see LiLi quite a lot, as she is sitting here in this room too, behind her computer, but she doesn't say much though, she is always shshshshing. She tells me to be quiet otherwise she cannot think in English...Pfffffff...
So today I was filled with soooo much joy to see that there was a companion for me in the house! Yess!

Ik was toch zo blij toen ik vandaag ontdekte dat deze knappe kerel helemaal uit Canada was komen vliegen. Zijn naam is Monsieur Tobias en wat is hij knap hè? Ongelooflijk dat Margaret Bouwmeester van the French Bear hem gemaakt heeft en het is nog moeilijker te geloven dat LiLi hem zomaar gewonnen heeft!
Well look at this handsome guy! He comes all the way from Canada! He talks French to me girls, ohlalala! I was melting straight away, you can imagine that! He said he would like to be called Monsieur Tobias. Jaaaah (yes in dutch) Tobiaaaa (pronounced the southern european way). Sigh...

Ik geloof dat ik verliefd ben... zucht....en LiLi ook!
Ooohhhh I think I am in love!
No! I am sure of that!
He is still recovering from his journey, you know that this lady put him in an envelope???!!!
Dear Margaret Bouwmeester of the French Bear, would you believe that I am not mad with you?
On the contrary, I am so grateful...and happy! And LiLi?
I think she is in love too, she smiles all day and takes Monsieur Tobias up and then she puts him down again, takes him up again and smiles at us. I can see she is very happy too.
Alright, not only did Margaret put him in an envelope, she creates this guy, now isn't that a miracle or what?
We both want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Margaret, to bring Mr. Tobias into our lives.

I think this is friendship for life Margaret! What do you think Marja?
Thanks for being so generous, to share your talents.
September is European heritage month. I am not sure about all European countries but here in the Netherlands, as well as in Belgium and Germany this weekend is 'open monument' weekend. Do take your chance to visit one of the monuments that are open for public on this occasion. Here in Dordrecht you can visit 50 monuments tomorrow, some of them are private houses, so grab your chance to peek inside!

Vergeten jullie niet dat het dit weekend open monumenten weekend is? Hier in Dordrecht zijn 50 monumenten geopend, waaronder particuliere woonhuizen, heerlijk binnen neuzen dus! Bijvoorbeeld in Huis de Onbeschaamde.
Who doesn't want to peek inside this house? One of Dordrecht's most famous houses 'huis de onbeschaamde' = 'house the shameless'. If you don't understand, just click the photo.

Here the backside of our city hall, which is open too tomorrow. If you go there do visit the attic and the prison over there. Have a great weekend, wherever you are and whatever you do.
Thanks for visiting us, also on behalf of Mr. Tobias, xoxo LiLi M.
Remember me? My name is Violet and I joined LiLi's household about a year ago. Before that I lived a short time with my creator Rosabear's Marja.
It's nice here, sometimes a little dusty...I can see LiLi quite a lot, as she is sitting here in this room too, behind her computer, but she doesn't say much though, she is always shshshshing. She tells me to be quiet otherwise she cannot think in English...Pfffffff...
So today I was filled with soooo much joy to see that there was a companion for me in the house! Yess!
Ik was toch zo blij toen ik vandaag ontdekte dat deze knappe kerel helemaal uit Canada was komen vliegen. Zijn naam is Monsieur Tobias en wat is hij knap hè? Ongelooflijk dat Margaret Bouwmeester van the French Bear hem gemaakt heeft en het is nog moeilijker te geloven dat LiLi hem zomaar gewonnen heeft!
Well look at this handsome guy! He comes all the way from Canada! He talks French to me girls, ohlalala! I was melting straight away, you can imagine that! He said he would like to be called Monsieur Tobias. Jaaaah (yes in dutch) Tobiaaaa (pronounced the southern european way). Sigh...
Ik geloof dat ik verliefd ben... zucht....en LiLi ook!
Ooohhhh I think I am in love!
No! I am sure of that!
He is still recovering from his journey, you know that this lady put him in an envelope???!!!
Dear Margaret Bouwmeester of the French Bear, would you believe that I am not mad with you?
On the contrary, I am so grateful...and happy! And LiLi?
I think she is in love too, she smiles all day and takes Monsieur Tobias up and then she puts him down again, takes him up again and smiles at us. I can see she is very happy too.
Alright, not only did Margaret put him in an envelope, she creates this guy, now isn't that a miracle or what?
We both want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Margaret, to bring Mr. Tobias into our lives.
I think this is friendship for life Margaret! What do you think Marja?
Thanks for being so generous, to share your talents.
September is European heritage month. I am not sure about all European countries but here in the Netherlands, as well as in Belgium and Germany this weekend is 'open monument' weekend. Do take your chance to visit one of the monuments that are open for public on this occasion. Here in Dordrecht you can visit 50 monuments tomorrow, some of them are private houses, so grab your chance to peek inside!
Vergeten jullie niet dat het dit weekend open monumenten weekend is? Hier in Dordrecht zijn 50 monumenten geopend, waaronder particuliere woonhuizen, heerlijk binnen neuzen dus! Bijvoorbeeld in Huis de Onbeschaamde.
Who doesn't want to peek inside this house? One of Dordrecht's most famous houses 'huis de onbeschaamde' = 'house the shameless'. If you don't understand, just click the photo.
Here the backside of our city hall, which is open too tomorrow. If you go there do visit the attic and the prison over there. Have a great weekend, wherever you are and whatever you do.
Thanks for visiting us, also on behalf of Mr. Tobias, xoxo LiLi M.
Maar wat je ook doet en waar je ook bent, ik wens je een heel fijn weekend, bedankt voor je bezoek weer namens iedereen hier, maar speciaal namens Mr. Tobias en mij,
xoxo LiLi M.
xoxo LiLi M.
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