Sabtu, 05 Januari 2008

My neighbour is showing her underwear...


A while ago I ended my post with a cliffhanger about my neighbour showing her knickers. After that, every time something occured, so I had to postpone this post over and over again. Today finally the day has come that you are going to meet my neighbour Z. and one of her collections too.
Every time we met, Z. and I were chatting about fabrics and mother of pearl buttons and stuff, both agreeing that it was very wise not to invite your neighbours too often. But in the end we both couldn't resist tempation. So (finally) Z. invited me to come over and have a chat about her collection of old underwear.

Originally coming from Rhoon, a village near Rotterdam, Z. managed to lay hands on a pair of underpants that once belonged to I cannot remember which Bentinck count of Rhoon, just look at the embroidered initials in red.

Every piece has this kind of embroidery, mmmm we both were born in the wrong era, I guess.
Though there are signs that time was money back then; what to think of this 'quickpee-er' (translation by me)? At the turn of the 19th into the 20th century, those ladies didn't have time
put down their nickers when they went to the loo (which might have been open field as well). Z. is showing here how this garment worked....

And there is something else we have in common, we both like those things you find on the street for free. Here is one of Z. best finds ever. A triangle truck, original paint, whow!!

And she has a clock, which was merely old wood to a friend who wanted to use this as restoring material and look what she has done with it:

She just put in a classical looking alarm clock (and of course bought a spare one as well, that's my girl). We spend hours at her house, almost forgetting to drink coffee. Next time it's my turn to show some of my collections. I am looking forward to it. Thanks for inspiration Z.!
Have an inspiring weekend! Hugs, L.

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